Friday, November 14, 2008

We've got LICE

The plastic combs that come with the kit do not work. The metal ones are better...sometimes you can find them on the pet isle (flea combs) at the grocery store or pet store. I've heard that if you use a comb to use it every day until all eggs have hatched and are gone. I did not have any luck with this method in the past. The hot straightening iron works!

Look what happens when I am out... :-)


Your child has been exposed to Pediculosis (Head lice) in school. One child in our class was found to have head lice. The eggs will hatch in approximately one week and become fully grown in eighteen (18) days if left to develop. The adult female may live 20-30 days during which time she can produce as many as 100 eggs.

The children who are known to be infested have been sent home and the parents advised to seek treatment and complete Nit removal. In the meantime, you are advised to take the following precautions:

1. Thoroughly shampoo your child’s hair using your regular shampoo.

2. Check the head for lice and nits. Nits are small, silvery eggs attached to the individual hairs. They resemble dandruff but unlike dandruff they are extremely difficult to remove. They are known to congregate at the base of the neck at the hairline.

3. If you locate any lice or nits you can buy lice shampoo or cream rinse without a prescription. Another method to treat head lice is with vegetable oil.

4. You should routinely check your child’s head at least once per week. Head lice can easily pass from one child to another.

5. Check the heads of all other children in your family to be sure they are not infested.

6. After treatment:

a. Wash all clothing, towels and bed linens in very hot water.

b. Dry clean all clothing and hats that are not washable.

c. Vacuum all carpets and upholstered furniture and mattresses.

7. Wash coats and jackets. They hang together when not being worn.

8. After using a over-the-counter product to kill the live lice, I've found that using a hot iron (commonly used to straighten hair) will KILL the eggs! The over-the-counter product does not kill eggs.

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