Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Art Homework

We’ve had a great start to our newest planner, “How We Express Ourselves.” The central idea is…through art, people express how they think and feel. Since we are reviewing the last 2 weeks of spelling rules I will not be sending home spelling homework, I thought it would be the perfect time for the children to go home and look around for art outside of school…and really think about how it makes them think and feel. You may actually visit an art museum on your own, look through art books at the library, go to a bookstore, or even go online to visit museums around the country (or even the world) to view art!

After choosing a favorite piece of art, I want each child to neatly fill out their “Looking at Art” sheet answering the following questions:

* Title of artwork
* Name of artist
* What colors do you see?
* What shapes do you see?
* What objects do you see?
* What do you like about the artwork…why did you choose it?
* I also want you to include a photo, picture, copy, or drawing of your piece of artwork

We will be sharing these in class Friday, October 9th. Your child should able to easily answer the above questions about their chosen piece of artwork.

Again, our homework load this week will be light (math only) to accommodate enough time to do a nice job on this project. I look forward to hearing about what kind of art your children choose to share. Have fun!

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