Thursday, February 12, 2009


The central idea in our current planner on matter is based on when matter changes, it affects the world around us. We spent the last 5 weeks inquiring into the properties of solids/liquids/gases, their changes and how they impact the world around us.

It's cool when I overhear (I swear I'm not eavesdropping!) the children talking about classroom subject matter on their own time! During recess today I heard one little girl tell another very excitedly, "Hey, look at the ground. It's all cracked up and dry. It's a solid. Yesterday it rained and the water made it into mud...which is a liquid!"

Job done. They get it. Well done, guys! :-)

*** Just because the matter planner is over doesn't mean we will stop thinking about ch-ch-changes in matter around us! For the next few Fridays we will
have fun making peppermint bark, butter, bread and ice cream (who had time before Christmas?). Honestly, I couldn't think of a better way to end this fun planner!

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