Monday, August 31, 2009


Everything can't be fun and games...we officially started spelling and handwriting this week. We took our first spelling sure to note that the circled list on your homework packet is the one to use/study for this week's homework and test! Regardless of the resulting list, we are all studying words spelled with the short /a/ sound....daily we have a simple lesson to support our new rule. We also started the 1st of 2 handwriting programs.

This week we mainly focused on the different kinds of strokes to prepare us for learning the actual letters. Some of the strokes were forward and backward slants, side too side lines and forward and backward circles. In math, numeral writing was introduced. Ask your children about "sky writing." We do try to have some fun...

The kids come to first grade exhibiting all kinds of writing, many still using all capital letters. I am seeing all kinds of creations! Hopefully, you will start to see a change for the better. Be sure to give lots of praise when improved handwriting is observed at home!

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