Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fun with Pennies!!!

Who knew counting pennies could be so much fun! The kids took turns counting the pennies into groups of 100 to make $1. By the end of each week, I imagine everyone will have a chance to count pennies! We decided the bags could hold $10 without breaking.

We found out what 100 pennies looks like...
they didn't quite believe it was a dollar!

We found out 20 nickels equal a dollar.

We found out 10 dimes equal a dollar.

We found out 4 quarters equal a dollar.

We even found a golden Sacagawea dollar coin!

By the end of today's lesson we counted 3 groups of 10...AKA $30!!! Not too shabby 1st graders...job well done. We still have MANY more pennies to count!

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