Monday, August 23, 2010

1st Day of School

We had a GREAT 1st day! We read several of their favorites, Bono Goes to School...was about a monkey that had all sorts of problems at school, decided to make better choices and earned a star from the teacher at the end of the day. We even read the 1st chapter of our teacher read aloud, The Trumpet of the Swan! We graphed how we were going home today, shared what we did over the summer, decided what our essential agreements for the classroom should be, drew our self-portraits, started our math routines and decorated our helper tags. All in all, the day was a big success...we even had a fire drill! The kids must be exhausted... I know I am!

1 comment:

Saleha said...

Nusaybah had a wonderful 1st day at school. Yes! She was exhausted at teh end of the day ad went to bed at 7 without any negotiation :)