Thursday, May 7, 2009

calendar of events

Get your calendar out and make note of our BUSY schedule for the last few days of school:
*** NO HOMEWORK OR GEOGRAPHY NEXT WEEK...out 3 days...not fair to the kids!!! ***
May 12 - PYP day. I will be on campus all day in a meeting with the 1st grade team
May 13 - Field Day. I will be absent. I am sorry...MDA stuff. Tennis Shoes/socks MUST be worn!!! Vi Lewis wants to provide pizza for the kids and pasta for the parents for lunch. If your child would like otherwise, they need to bring a lunch.
May 14 - 1st grade program 7:00pm. I will still be absent. I am really sorry...cannot be avoided.
May 18 - 1st grade awards 8:30am.
May 22 - waste-less picnic at McGovern Park...more information to come later.
May 25 - Memorial Day. No School.
May 26 - 1st grade end of the year party at Karl Young Park.
May 28 - Last day of school...early dismissal

I've got a migraine just thinking about it...

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